Eccentric Physio Exercises

Eccentric Exercises Physio Vancouver

Eccentric Physio Exercises: What They Are and What They Treat

In the realm of physical therapy, eccentric physio exercises have gained prominence for their effectiveness in treating various musculoskeletal conditions. Eccentric exercises focus on the lengthening phase of muscle contraction, which occurs when a muscle elongates under tension, as opposed to shortening (concentric contraction) or remaining static (isometric contraction). These exercises are particularly valuable for their rehabilitative benefits and their role in enhancing muscle strength and flexibility.

What Are Eccentric Exercises?

Eccentric exercises involve controlled movements where muscles elongate while under load. For instance, when lowering a dumbbell during a bicep curl, the bicep muscle lengthens, performing an eccentric contraction. This phase is crucial as it helps in building muscle strength and resilience.

Some common examples of these exercises include:

1. Eccentric Heel Drops (see video below): Often used for Achilles tendinopathy, this exercise involves standing on the balls of your feet on the edge of a step and slowly lowering your heels below the step level.



2. Nordic Hamstring Curls: Utilized for hamstring strength, this exercise requires you to kneel and slowly lower your torso towards the ground, using your hamstrings to control the descent.
3. Eccentric Squats: Performing a squat slowly, focusing on the downward (eccentric) phase to engage and strengthen the quadriceps and gluteal muscles.

Eccentric exercises offer several benefits:

Eccentric Exercises Physio

1. Increased Muscle Strength: Produce greater force compared to concentric ones, leading to significant strength gains.
2. Improved Flexibility: These exercises help in elongating muscle fibers, which improves overall flexibility.
3. Enhanced Tendon Health: This type of loading has been shown to stimulate tendon remodeling, making it an effective treatment for tendinopathies.
4. Reduced Risk of Injury: Strengthening muscles through eccentric exercises can help prevent injuries by improving muscle-tendon resilience.

Conditions Treated

Eccentric exercises are particularly effective in treating:

1. Tendinopathies: Conditions such as Achilles tendinopathy, patellar tendinopathy, and lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) respond well to eccentric loading, which promotes tendon healing and reduces pain.
2. Muscle Strains: Hamstring strains and other muscle injuries benefit from eccentric strengthening, which aids in faster recovery and reduces the risk of re-injury.
3. Chronic Pain Conditions: Conditions like chronic lower back pain can be managed with eccentric exercises that target and strengthen the affected muscle groups, providing pain relief and improving function.

Eccentric Exercises Physio Vancouver

Implementing The Exercises

It is essential to perform these exercises correctly to avoid further injury. Working with a physiotherapist or a trained professional ensures proper technique and progression. Gradually increasing the load and intensity helps in building strength without overloading the muscles or tendons.

In conclusion, eccentric exercises are a powerful tool in the physiotherapist’s arsenal, offering substantial benefits for muscle and tendon health. Their role in rehabilitation and injury prevention makes them a critical component of effective physical therapy protocols.

If you wish to discuss more with your local physiotherapist feel free to reach out!

