Looking for a Physiotherapy Clinic Downtown Vancouver? 

A clients back gets cupping done to it to help ease pain

Welcome to Burrard Physiotherapy, a Renowned Downtown Clinic Located in Vancouver, B.C.

Burrard Physio was established in 1982 and has carried on a legacy of upstanding treatment for all who walk through our doors. We have 9 fully registered physiotherapists, with 2 more joining us in the fall of 2021. We also have a Pilates instructor, a kinesiologist, a yoga instructor, a physiotherapy assistant, 5 receptionists, and 2 massage therapists on staff. And we are a safe space for all walks of life. 

Our 18 private treatment rooms offer confidentiality, privacy, and a quiet oasis to seek care in; and we believe in care for all. We also bolster a 2,000 sq. ft gym. Standard treatment sessions are 30 minutes, but you may be in the room for up to 40 minutes and you can request 1-hour appointments as well if you have multiple areas to explore. 

Our staff are leaders in their fields of practice and have extensive post-graduate certificates and certifications. We have physio’s who specialize in women’s health/ pelvic floor for men and women, TMJ, vestibular/ vertigo, pre-post surgery, sports certified physios, teachers at UBC, physios with  Master’s Degrees in manipulations and physios with the highest qualifications within the Canadian health care system. 

Our reception staff genuinely want to offer a calm, supportive environment and they help upkeep our very strict cleaning protocols along with all current covid measures. They will help you experience a pleasant, safe visit and they look forward to hearing from you soon! If you need any help don’t hesitate to call or visit https://www.burrardphysiotherapy.com/



1190 Hornby Street #702

